Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wonderfully Well

I have been doing fabulously. I had ONE slip-up. Hey, life goes on. I am beginning to feel more energetic. I got my raw food box from RAWvolution, and that was perfect; I grabbed whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. I have been perusing some raw sites I haven't seen before and LEARNED LOTS and GOT INSPIRED. Again.

I do very well eating fruit. It makes me feel good and gives me lots of energy. I have read the fruit-is-of-the-devil opinions. My experience is that fruit is good. I am going to take that experience and test the Fruit-Good idea further here in about a week. I found me an eating plan that inspired me. A new one. With fruit.

I've been playing with this raw journey for about 2 1/2 years, so I am past the initial transition where your body asks, "What are you doing to me? What is this strange stuff you expect me to eat?!" I'm at the point where non-raw food makes me generally unhappy. My biggest task is overcoming the cravings, and I think I have found a new weapon for my arsenal!

Which I'll talk about later, when I am closer to implementing it.

Right now, I'm off to the kitchen for a coconut water, banana, and mixed berries smoothie.



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