Saturday, December 12, 2009

Katrina Rainoshek is Vibrant

I was reading Katrina Rainoshek's story of her vibrant and beautiful pregnancy and birth. Her pictures were amazing; her gorgeous health leaped off the page and touched me. The more I read, and the more I looked, the more I felt, deep down, a desire for that level of vibrancy for myself. It moved me. It called for a response. It felt like my whole life would come together and be perfect if I had that kind of well-being in my body.

Reading about her pregnancy and birth experience made me think of my own, so full of unwellness, so full of drugs and yuck. And who knew then the marvel of this kind of naturally healthful existence? Not I. I did what I was told and thought I was healthy.

I wanted to erase all the sickness and harm I had done to my body over the years in my ignorance of what healthy really is. I got up purposefully and assembled my juicer, feeling that green juice was going to be the elixir of life and heal all my woes. I went to the refrigerator and started opening my bags of produce, organic from my co-op. First, was an absolutely beautiful, green-and-yellow silky head of butter lettuce. I felt my mission blessed. I found radishes and took the tops to juice. Then, a cucumber, a big red beet, some celery, and I grabbed some hard-as-a-rock carrots that seemed to be screaming, 'Juice me, juice me!'

It tasted like water. Like freshness. The flavor was so perfectly balanced, it tasted like I was drinking coolness, health, life-in-a-cup. It made me want to tell my story, because I think I am right. My answering the call of Katrina Rainoshek's vibrant health is the answer to everything.

Come and see.


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